How to you get great credit and get approved for a car loan ? This article will be useful to you whether you you’re looking to build new credit or improve your current score. Useful tips on getting started here…
Category: Blog
Happy New Year for starters ! Here’s a quick look at a 2019 wrap-up and what you should expect for the month of January 2020. In sum, what you missed, what’s new in January 2020, Volkswagen promos and my availabilities…
Thank You ! I would like to thank everyone I have met at the dealership this past year. To me, every interaction was special and meaningful. Whether you purchased a vehicle with me or not, it was a great learning…
Trade in, private sale OR Accommodation ? Many think that trading in their cars or private sales are the only ways to get a new vehicle. There’s a 3rd option, and it’s called an accommodation deal. It’s the next best…